Wednesday, June 12, 2013

When you have choices, choose one...

Today is 12th June 2013. It was 10:10 PM on my computer clock when I started writing this post. However when I'll publish this post, the post may date back to 12th May 2012 but I am not sure. This post was there in draft condition without getting published and without anything written in it except the post title. For some reason today I thought of  completing it. May be today I have the appropriate situation and experience about writing on the subject matter of the title than I had on that day when I created this post about one year ago. Perhaps it was due to that reason that this post was empty so far silently waiting for the right day and the right time to come. It seems today is that day and tonight is that time.

I wouldn't have thought of writing this unless something good had happened. That something good happened when I read the title of the post. At this phase of my life I was in a dilemma regarding whether to proceed with something or not. I found no values in either proceeding or not proceeding. So for the past few days I have been kind of living in the palace of nowhere, which means I was just going through life without choosing either of the choices. But this had created a hollow inside my mind. I was going insane because I didn't know what else to do. I had nothing else to do because that something  proceeding with which I was unable to decide was everything to me. That something was like the sole reason of my life and when I got into dilemma regarding that very thing my life lost its value, lost its purpose. I started living without any reason. It was all good until 1st of June when this started. So for the past 10 days I was like dead until I stumbled upon the title of this post tonight. And as I did, all the thoughts and ideas that I had then while creating the post one year back came into my mind and it cleared my state of dilemma. I suddenly saw light. I had choices but I was choosing none. And this act of not choosing was causing the problem, the problem of a meaningless life; because when you have choices, you must choose one. Not choosing is not a choice.

Life goes on. In fact life is meant to go on and while moving on with life you will come across different choices yielding different outcomes. This choosing of the available choices is what keeps the life going. Like a new born baby will die if its development is stopped somehow, life will die (i.e. will lose its purpose) if its on going motion is stopped somehow. When you choose not to choose from the choices that life brings upon your path, you actually choose to stop the ongoing motion of life and when you do that it is obvious that life will lose its purpose. We have to keep moving, keep going on with our lives by choosing the right choices. We may take our time but sooner or later we have to choose something to keep our lives going. Postponing to choose or to not choose at all will only result in waste of precious time. So when you have choices, choose one..

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